Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Logo Design Project-5

Students will learn basic typography skills and more advanced Illustrator techniques in creating a logo design.

State Goals:
25-Know the language of the arts
25.A.3d Visual Arts:
Identify and describe the elements of value, perspective and color schemes; the principles of contrast, emphasis and unity; and the expressive qualities of thematic development and sequence.

26-Understanding how works of art are produced
26.A.4e Visual Arts:
Analyze and evaluate how tools/technologies and processes combine to convey meaning.
     1.      Open a 8.5 by 11 inch document (should look like a sideways piece of paper).

          2.      Think about shape and its function in an artwork:

Triangle on point-Unstable/Chaotic   
 Triangle on base-Stability/Strength
Circle-Draws your eye into the center of a circular shape
3.      Think about line and flow

Implied lines- that are not visible but carry your eye across the picture plane

          4.      You will have to write down how you used 2 & 3 after your work is completed.

            5.      Choosing colors:

You may pick from one of the following color schemes-

Analogous- Any three colors which are side by side on the 12 part color wheel such as yellow-green, yellow and yellow orange.

Complimentary- Contains any two colors which are directly opposite each other on the color wheel

Monocromatic- only one color and its shades and tints (shade add black…tints add white)


Your project must c ontain:

1.      Title-the largest text in your design

2.      Subtitle or sub-writing which should be smaller than the title

3.      Something 3-D (create object or shape- add stroke/color- deselect and select with white arrow-effect-3D)

4.      Image created by YOU (This can be done using any of the techniques we have done in Illustrator, Photoshop or Corel Paint or even something that you know how to do on your own!)

5.      Planned placement of design using shape/function & line/flow

6.      Planned color scheme

7.      Also, always remember to title your work correctly and Save frequently!



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