Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Glass Jewelry Sculptural Piece

Jewelry Final Project

Glass Sculptural Piece”



Students will create an original work of art in clay using the elements and principles for design quality.   This piece will be transformed into glass using several processes students have covered through the course of the semester including plaster casting, brushing, filing, sanding, polishing and using Mod Podge. 


State Goals:

Goal 25- Language of the Arts

25.A.4 Analyze and evaluate the effective use of elements, principles and expressive qualities in a composition/performance in dance, drama, music and visual arts.

25.A.5 Analyze and evaluate student and professional works for how aesthetic qualities are used to convey intent, expressive ideas and/or meaning.

Goal 26- Creating and Performing

26.B.4d Visual Arts: Demonstrate knowledge and skills that communicate clear and focused ideas based on planning, research and problem solving.





Metal Cylinders

Kiln/Polisher/Sanding Machine

Glass fragments

Mod Podge



1.        Sketch ideas of a piece that’s widest part is its base and has no limbs that extend out and away from its base.  Parts may only go up from the base.  This sketch has to be approved before moving onto the clay.

2.       Create the sketch in clay form double checking no parts extend past or away from the base.

3.       Stick the clay to the back counter and tape one of the cylinders around it.  Make sure to leave about a quarter inch around each side of the clay.

4.       Mix plaster to a “pancake batter” consistency.  Remember to keep water out of the container of plaster and cover it when you are done.

5.       Pour your plaster mixture over your clay so that it is at least an inch over the clay.

6.       Let plaster set and teacher will fire the cylinder.

7.       Once fired, remove all clay pieces from the plaster to create a mold for your glass.

8.       Fill the entire plaster mold with glass fragments and set on back counter to be fired again.

9.       Once fired for the second time, your glass piece should be ready to take out.  If it didn’t fill enough repeat step 8.

10.   To remove glass from plaster soak in water until plaster becomes loose enough to remove. DO NOT pour plaster down the sink!

11.   Clean out your cylinder and place it back in the box.

12.   Clean your glass piece off using a brush until no plaster is left.

13.   File your piece as needed to remove sharp edges and unwanted bumps.

14.   Use the polisher to add a shine to the surface of your piece.

15.   To finish the look add Mod Podge to the surface to create a nice shine.

16.   A key chain, chain, magnet or other creative uses can be attached as desired.


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