Friday, September 28, 2012

Computer Art Project 2-Video game/ or Character design!

Animation Design 

Students will create a virtual character in a two dimensional space that has three dimensional qualities using Adobe Illustrator.

State Goals:

26: Through creating and performing

26.B.5 Common for all four arts: Create and perform a complex work of art using a variety of techniques, technologies and resources and independent decision making. 

26.B.4dVisual Arts:
Demonstrate knowledge and skills that communicate clear and focused ideas based on planning, research and problem solving 


1. Step One:
Computer Research!
     Create a sketch to plan it out-
          Points of interest:
          *Made up character
          *Think about accessories and what makes this character unique
          (Sunglasses, hat, outfit, boots, scarf, cape, etc)
          *Use DETAILS!!!
2. Step Two:
      Ink outline sketch with ink pen & scan finished piece into the computer
3. Step Three:
    Use Adobe Illustrator to make your image come to life and look more defined.
    (Just like designing a video game character!!!)
         Points of interest:
          * Go-Applications-Illustrator (Ai)
          *Click for new layer on bottom right tool panel (not like Photoshop!)
          *Select pen tool and click around area you want to fill
(Demo on overhead of Illustrator)
Some examples:

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