Thursday, November 1, 2012

Illustration Character Design-Project 3

Objective:  Students will photoshop themselves as a character of their choice (made up or a mix of things they know).  When complete students will grid this character on large scale paper and add various details to complete the look. Drawings will be shaded in ebony pencil.

Basic Photoshop image manipulation
Grid/ Technical drawing

1.  Students will take a photo of their face in Photobooth and cut it out in Photoshop.

2.  Students will add on various details to turn themselves into some sort of character.

3.  After printed, images will be covered with grid lines and transferred to a larger scale paper.

4. Additional bits and pieces will be added to make themselves look more like the character that they were intending.

4.  Drawings will be shaded using the learned pencil technique.


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