Thursday, September 20, 2012

Art & Design Project 1 (intro) Colored Pencil Still Life

Objective: Students will create a still life using the element of shape to guide them.  These pictures will be colored using proper colored pencil technique blending, mixing and coloring in circles.

-How can shape aide in constructing a drawing?
-Blending,mixing and coloring in circles
-Color Gradient
-Tint vs. Shade

State Goals:
25-Know the language of the arts

25.A.3d Visual Arts:
Identify and describe the elements of value, perspective and color schemes; the principles of contrast, emphasis and unity; and the expressive qualities of thematic development and sequence. 

26-Understanding how works of art are produced

26.A.4e Visual Arts:
Analyze and evaluate how tools/technologies and processes combine to convey meaning. 

We had a written peer critique and quiz during this unit.

Here is how some of them turned out:

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