Friday, September 28, 2012

Computer Art Project 2-Video game/ or Character design!

Animation Design 

Students will create a virtual character in a two dimensional space that has three dimensional qualities using Adobe Illustrator.

State Goals:

26: Through creating and performing

26.B.5 Common for all four arts: Create and perform a complex work of art using a variety of techniques, technologies and resources and independent decision making. 

26.B.4dVisual Arts:
Demonstrate knowledge and skills that communicate clear and focused ideas based on planning, research and problem solving 


1. Step One:
Computer Research!
     Create a sketch to plan it out-
          Points of interest:
          *Made up character
          *Think about accessories and what makes this character unique
          (Sunglasses, hat, outfit, boots, scarf, cape, etc)
          *Use DETAILS!!!
2. Step Two:
      Ink outline sketch with ink pen & scan finished piece into the computer
3. Step Three:
    Use Adobe Illustrator to make your image come to life and look more defined.
    (Just like designing a video game character!!!)
         Points of interest:
          * Go-Applications-Illustrator (Ai)
          *Click for new layer on bottom right tool panel (not like Photoshop!)
          *Select pen tool and click around area you want to fill
(Demo on overhead of Illustrator)
Some examples:

Monday, September 24, 2012

Portrait Grid Drawing Project

Students will use the grid system to create an exactly proportional replica of their face while learning about line and value.

Ebony Pencil
H Drawing pencils
Drawing paper
Computer with Photo Booth

1. Take photo on Photo Booth and edit it in Photoshop -crop, black and white, brightness contrast
2.  Print photo
3.  Use ruler to draw one inch boxes on photo and a piece of drawing paper (measure a boarder on drawing paper)
4.  Grid the drawing over to the drawing paper and erase ruler lines
5.  Shade the drawing creating a 3 dimensional look

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Art & Design Project 1 (intro) Colored Pencil Still Life

Objective: Students will create a still life using the element of shape to guide them.  These pictures will be colored using proper colored pencil technique blending, mixing and coloring in circles.

-How can shape aide in constructing a drawing?
-Blending,mixing and coloring in circles
-Color Gradient
-Tint vs. Shade

State Goals:
25-Know the language of the arts

25.A.3d Visual Arts:
Identify and describe the elements of value, perspective and color schemes; the principles of contrast, emphasis and unity; and the expressive qualities of thematic development and sequence. 

26-Understanding how works of art are produced

26.A.4e Visual Arts:
Analyze and evaluate how tools/technologies and processes combine to convey meaning. 

We had a written peer critique and quiz during this unit.

Here is how some of them turned out:

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Computer Art Project 1 (Digital Painting)

Objective:  Students will learn how to select colors and use layers and brushes to create a painting of a photo of their choice in Corel PainterX.

State Goals:
26-Through creating and performing, understand how works of art are produced
26.A.4e Visual Arts:
Analyze and evaluate how tools/technologies and processes combine to convey meaning. 

-Use of brushes
-Selection of colors
-Use of layers
-Determining highlights and shadows
-Stepping backwards

Step one- Create document that is 8 by 8 in Illustrator titled by your first and last name followed by 1.
Step two- Find an image of an animal that is no smaller than 400 by 400.
Step three- View full sized image and drag into Photoshop crop to 8 by 8.
Step four- Open image on your canvas in Illustrator and create a new layer Layer-New Layer (call it paint).
Step five- by selecting colors from the original image paint on the new layer creating the image below.  Different brushes may be used to add design and textures.  Make sure you DON'T PAINT ON THE CANVAS!

(canvas layer is deleted to print paintings)
Here are some examples of how they turned out!

Illustration Project 1 (Abstract Portraits)

Objective:  Students will create a drawing of their head using objects that describe who they are.

Time: about two weeks

State Goals:
25- Language of the arts
25.A.5 Analyze and evaluate student and professional works for how aesthetic qualities are used to convey intent, expressive ideas and/or meaning

26- Through creating and performing, understand how works of art are produced

26.A.4e Visual Arts:
Analyze and evaluate how tools/technologies and processes combine to convey meaning. 

-Drawing Paper
-Colored Pencils
(ink, watercolors, oil pastels optional)


Step 1-Learn proportions of a face and create a quick outline of your head lightly in pencil
Step 2-Start to fill in objects that represent you very lightly with little detail and color the drawing in colored pencil using the proper technique (circles, blending, multiple color layers)

Here are some of the completed projects!

 Watercolor as a torn paper collage in the background and an ink outline:

 Very detailed colored pencil work as well as ink outlines:

Oil pastels added in for a mixed media approach: