Monday, October 29, 2012

Geometry/Art- Tessellations

Objective: Students will learn about geometric tessellations and M.C Escher while discovering how to manipulate squares into their own repeating pattern.  These will be colored in colored pencil in a pattern that repeats as well.

Skills & Terms:
Geometric Shapes
M.C. Escher
Colored Pencil technique

1. Students will create a 2 by 2 square and cut it out. (provide pre mades too for lots of tries)
2.  As a class try making 3 types of tessellations.
3.  Students will make several tessellations and choose one for their project.
4.  Trace Tessellations onto paper line up with a corner to start large paper for simple pattern and small for detailed pattern.
5.  Use colored pencil circles to color in design with circles!

Here are some examples:

Friday, October 12, 2012

Art and Design FACE OFF inspired Mask-Project 3

Objective:  After viewing an episode of the popular TV series Face Off, students will create a mold in which they will form plaster "alien" inspired masks.  The masks will be painted with tempera paint and sprayed with a clear glaze.

1.  Watch an episode of Face Off and sketch ideas for mask creation.

2.  Search the internet for ideas and begin actual sketch for project.

3.  Re-draw or use carbon paper to transfer sketch to a piece of cardboard.
4.  Using paper towels, students will create three dimensional aspects on their cardboard forming a mold for their plaster.
5.  Plaster is applied to the masks (2 layers at least!)
6.  Introduction to color theory and painting of a small color wheel to practice mixing the paints.

7.  Students will pain their masks.
8.  After the masks are dry clear spray glaze is applied sealing the paint and giving them a finished look.

Here are some examples of completed masks:

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Illustration Project 2- Sketch to Sculpture


Students will create several sketches in a sketch book of a school themed design based around the mascot, classes, sports teams or homecoming theme.  These sketches will be well thought out and planned so that they can be applied to creating a three dimensional replica of it in groups.  Looking at artists such as Deborah Butterfield will aid in the process.

State Goals:

26-Through creating and performing, understand how works of art are produced

26.A.4e Visual Arts: 
Analyze and evaluate how tools/technologies and processes combine to convey meaning. 


1. Students will be given a sketch book and research Deborah Butterfield. In class they will each share an interesting fact that they discovered and hold a discussion.

2.  Students will be given project objectives and create three different sketches of a school themed design.

3.  Students will be split in to groups and share their ideas.

4.  Groups will share ideas and decide on one they want to make 3-D.

5.  A Fourth sketch will be created showing how to arrange the boxes and materials to create their idea.

6.  Groups will construct approved sketch with boxes and masking tape.

7.  Details are added on with paper towels.

8.  Paper mache is applied to sculpt desired image.

9.  Students will learn how to mix tempera paints and apply technique to their sculptures.

(school colors are orange and blue)