Friday, November 16, 2012

Art and Design Ceramic Pinch Pot Creatures- Project5

Objective: Students will learn the basics of clay while learning how to make a basic pinch pot.  After mastering the technique, students will creatively transform a pinch pot into a creature.

1. Introduce pinch pots by making them out of modeling clay.

2.  Spend a second day making pinch pots out of modeling clay and print out photos of an animal they would like to turn their pinch pot into.

3.  Practice kneading the clay (getting the air pockets out) and go over the tools.

4.  Learn how to slip and score to attach pieces.

5.  Begin work on first pinch pot for creature.

6.  Once pinch pot is approved more clay will be given to add details.  Continue until completed.

Computer Art-Movie Posters

Objective:  Students will use skills learned in multiple programs including Photoshop, Illustrator, Corel Painter, Photo booth, to create a movie poster of their own.  Concepts may be completely made up or a sequel or revamp of a movie that already exists.

-Learn to manipulate between several programs
-*Combination of each of the projects learned this semester & their state goals*


Thursday, November 1, 2012

Illustration Character Design-Project 3

Objective:  Students will photoshop themselves as a character of their choice (made up or a mix of things they know).  When complete students will grid this character on large scale paper and add various details to complete the look. Drawings will be shaded in ebony pencil.

Basic Photoshop image manipulation
Grid/ Technical drawing

1.  Students will take a photo of their face in Photobooth and cut it out in Photoshop.

2.  Students will add on various details to turn themselves into some sort of character.

3.  After printed, images will be covered with grid lines and transferred to a larger scale paper.

4. Additional bits and pieces will be added to make themselves look more like the character that they were intending.

4.  Drawings will be shaded using the learned pencil technique.


Art and Design Painting Landscapes- Project 4

Students will learn about the element of color through mixing and color harmonies while creating a landscape tempera painting.

Color Harmony
Photoshop- crop, cut, magnetic lasso, blur, eraser, stamp

1.  Students will find an image that interests them on the computer and manipulate it slightly in photoshop so it becomes more original.

2.  Photos will be printed on canvas paper very lightly.

3.  Students will create a color palate and practice mixing the colors they will use for their project.  They will also write down the name of the color harmony that they are using. (colors can be changed to better fit their color harmony)

4.  Paint will be mixed and prepared with clear glaze to keep it from cracking.

5.  Students will learn proper painting technique and to start with the background and larger areas first.

6.  These paintings take about two weeks to complete in class.

Here are some examples: